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File Created: 09-Feb-2006 by Laura deGroot (LDG)
Last Edit:  24-Mar-2006 by Laura deGroot (LDG)

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Name SHE-174 Mining Division Kamloops
BCGS Map 092P078
Status Showing NTS Map 092P16W
Latitude 051º 46' 26'' UTM 10 (NAD 83)
Longitude 120º 29' 29'' Northing 5738876
Easting 673070
Commodities Copper, Lead, Zinc, Silver Deposit Types
Tectonic Belt Intermontane Terrane Quesnel
Capsule Geology

The SHE-174 occurrence is located on the slopes north of Canimred Creek, 8 kilometres northwest of Coldscaur Lake. The mineralization, which was discovered during regional mapping by the BC Geological Survey in 2001, is hosted by a succession of Upper Triassic volcanic sandstones, siltstones and argillites belonging to the Middle to Upper Triassic Nicola Group, 1200 metres southwest of the Raft Batholith. It comprises pyrite, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, galena and sphalerite within a steeply-dipping, west-northwest striking brecciated fault zone that is up to twenty centimeters wide and cuts silica-calcite-epidote-pyrite-pyrrhotite-altered argillite and siltstone. A grab sample of this mineralized fault breccia returned 0.296 per cent copper, 0.920 per cent lead, 1.595 per cent zinc and 62.027 grams per tonne silver (EMPR Fieldwork 2001, p. 83-108, sample 01SHE-174).

EMPR FIELDWORK 2001, p. 83-108*; 2005, P. 163-184
EMPR OF 2002-15*, 2006-8
EMPR PFD 820274, 820275